Healing through Caregiving

CAREbyChristie recently got an upgrade. YAY! The months leading up to this great reveal have been spent planting seeds of hope, excitement, and intention.

At the beginning of this process, I was asked how I wanted {you} to FEEL when you entered CBC's digital home, and the answer was/is always ::peace:: 

The truth is, I know that this topic (Aging & Eldercare) doesn't always invoke that peaceful, abundant feeling within us. I believe it can & I'm here to show you how.

Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing videos highlighting areas of my digital home that I know are the most supportive for you on your Caregiving journey. If you are not currently in this season of life but know someone who is- pass it on. This is how we, as a collective, can shift the paradigm and narrative built around Senior Care & the Resources available to a more positive and supportive one. 

After years of serving this space in my own unique way, I trust that having an experienced guide can save you time, money, and energy as you navigate a season of uncharted waters, not to mention juggle all the responsibilities that you are.

This clarity has gifted me with a new sense of self and stronger determination to have a greater impact. 

Grab your tea or coffee (or both!) and come on over to


Creating a Roadmap for Eldercare and Ease